Don’t Use Dependency Injection in Golang Projects

Sami Salih İbrahimbaş
3 min readAug 15, 2024


Embracing Go’s Philosophy

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In the world of software development, dependency injection (DI) has become a widely adopted pattern for managing dependencies between components. However, when it comes to Go projects, you’ll often find a departure from this trend. Go’s standard library and community best practices encourage a different approach, one that emphasizes simplicity, explicitness, and testability. This article delves into the reasons behind this preference and demonstrates how to effectively manage dependencies in Go projects.

Understanding Go’s Perspective

Go, often referred to as Golang, is a programming language designed with a focus on clarity, efficiency, and maintainability. Its creators prioritized a minimalist approach, avoiding unnecessary complexity and favoring explicitness over magic. This philosophy extends to dependency management as well.

Why Go Prefers to Avoid Dependency Injection

Simplicity and Readability: DI frameworks often introduce additional layers of abstraction and complexity. In contrast, Go encourages developers to pass dependencies directly to functions and methods. This approach keeps the code straightforward and easy to follow, making it clear how components interact.

Testability: Go’s built-in testing package provides excellent support for unit testing. By explicitly passing dependencies, you can easily substitute mock implementations during testing, ensuring that your tests focus on the behavior of the component under test without relying on external dependencies.

Compile-Time Safety: Go’s strong typing and compile-time checks help catch errors early in the development process. With DI, type mismatches or missing dependencies might only surface at runtime. Go’s approach promotes type safety and reduces the risk of runtime surprises.

Recommended Dependency Management in Go

Interfaces: Define interfaces to represent the behavior required by your components. This allows you to decouple components from concrete implementations and easily swap dependencies when needed.

Function Parameters: Pass dependencies directly as parameters to functions or methods. This makes dependencies explicit and promotes testability.

Global Variables (with Caution): In some cases, using global variables for dependencies might be appropriate, especially for configuration or shared resources. However, exercise caution as overuse can lead to tight coupling and make testing more challenging.

Code Example:

type Database interface {
Connect() error
Query(query string) ([]Result, error)

type UserService struct {
db Database

func NewUserService(db Database) *UserService {
return &UserService{db: db}

func (s *UserService) GetUser(id int) (*User, error) {
// Use s.db to query the database

Benefits of Embracing Go’s Approach

Clear and Maintainable Code: Go’s dependency management style leads to code that is easy to understand and modify.

Improved Testability: Explicit dependencies simplify unit testing and encourage good testing practices.

Compile-Time Safety: Go’s type system helps catch errors early, reducing the likelihood of runtime issues.

Performance: Go’s direct approach can lead to better performance compared to the overhead introduced by some DI frameworks.


While dependency injection is a valuable pattern in many programming languages, Go’s philosophy encourages a different approach to dependency management. By embracing Go’s preference for simplicity, explicitness, and testability, you can write clean, maintainable, and efficient code that aligns with the language’s design principles. Remember, when working with any programming language, it’s essential to understand its unique perspective and adapt your coding style accordingly. By doing so, you’ll unlock the full potential of the language and create robust and scalable applications.

